Your 2024 March Madness Winner: Cate

Disclaimer: I don’t really know anything about college basketball…

This was how the bracket was submitted by Cate this year. Yet, somehow she managed to pick more games correctly than anyone else in the lab!

Congrats Cate!

And now what dessert will you be selecting for lab meeting?

New Bracket Leader

Going into the Final 4 match up, Cate has jumped Brianne for most points! Winning is going to come down to who if UCONN or Purdue win more games at this point…

Points Going into the Final Four:
Cate – 71
Brianne – 70
Ryan – 68
Dr. Heisler – 62
Anastasia – 62
Declan – 61
Megan – 55
Elizabeth – 49

Brianne Pulls Away, but loses her Champion

After last nights games and more upsets, the rankings are as follows:

Brianne – 70
Cate – 63
Ryan – 60 
Dr. Heisler – 54 
Declan – 53 
Megan – 47 
Anastasia – 46 
Elizabeth – 41 

With the elimination of UNC and Creighton this last round, Megan and Elizabeth will not be have enough points left to compete for the top spot. However everyone else (even Brianne with having lost UNC) still has a fighting chance with maximal points possible ranging from 165 (Declan) to 102 (Brianne) so its still really anyone’s game.